2020_10_Announcement album processus

created to announce the new album 'processus' of Crazy Hope.

Audio provided by Crazy Hope.


2020_12_Levensaders Sint-Joris-Weert

Het resultaat van de ontwerp studio 'Countryside-Cityside' van de eerste master Ingenieurswetenschappen: Architectuur, optie stedelijk project aan de KU Leuven. 

The result from the design studio 'Country-Cityside' from the first master of Engineering science: architecture, option 'City project' at the KU Leuven.

Team: Tuur Lenaerts & Robbe Kaljouw




2020_04_Blijf in uw kot 100%

A video made for real estate agents to share on their own social networks during the COVID-19 lockdown in Belgium


2019_10_B-to-C Explainer 100%-netwerk

An animation produced to convince the consumer to choose for a real estate agent that's active in the 100%-network. 

2019_04_4MBE Event


2018_10_Trouw J&D